And you still support the right of a man to be a woman just because he says so? That is not a feminist position.

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Hi Pearl (I love the name Pearl), Trans women are women. This is a feminist position. I am a feminist and I believe this. I would strongly recommend you read some memoirs by trans authors and you might see things differently. Paris Lees, Parker Marie Molly and Samantha Allen’s are really good. I sobbed upon the description of Molloy’s dad’s reaction to her coming out. Love!!

Does anyone have recommendations of F to M or non-binary memoirs? Any non white coming out trans memoirs to help me understand intersectional experiences?

Feminists of the world unite!

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Thank you for your kind words liking my name.

I believe human beings are a dimorphic species and that every one of us is born either male or female. I do not believe it is possible to change sex or that people can be born with a “gender identity” that is the opposite to their sexed body. I don’t believe that a male can become a female just by their very strong desire, declaration, hormones or surgery. No male has the reproductive organs to gestate and birth a baby and no transwoman has ever menstruated or been pregnant, ever. Adult human females are the people with the biological potential to ovulate, menstruate and gestate babies. People who say they are transwomen were male when they were born and will be when they die, regardless of desire or medical interventions. Women are different physically and in all societies that have existed we have our own systems of knowledge and different socialisation from males.

My concept of feminism is that it is a movement for women through which we seek to liberate ourselves from the oppression of male instigated systems of power and the literal violence men do to us. I don’t accept that men can be feminists or that men can be women and it seems incompatible within that understanding that a woman who is a feminist can believe in and support trans identity ideology.

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1) Sexual dimorphism doesn't necessarily mean sex as a strict binary. It can mean that it is bimodal, which is indeed the case in humans.

2) Making blanket statements about the supposed immutability of biological sex fails to take into account that sex is a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon, some aspects of which are immutable - karyotypes, for example - but others can be changed, and in some cases, are even liable to change of their own accord (e.g. hormonal sex).

3) Plenty of persons assigned female at birth were born without the pre-requisite anatomy necessary to ovulate, menstruate and gestate. Where do people with CAIS, for example, fit into your semantic schema?

4) Gendered socialisation as it pertains to trans people is messy and complicated, and male socialisation doesn't impact trans women in the same way as cis men. To pretend otherwise simply because trans women and cis men were both born with a penis and a scrotum is trite and simplistic.

5) Trans women are disproportionately affected by many of the same forms of violence as cis women (e.g. domestic abuse, sexual violence).

6) There is no such thing as 'trans identity ideology'. Gender identity is a bona fide, scientifically attested phenomenon, whether you like it or not.

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1) Sexual Dimorphism is a strict binary. Every individual Homo Sapiens is biologically coded either male or female, regardless of a tiny percent, 0.02%, of anomalous genetics that result in visibly atypical genitalia. The appropriation of DSD conditions by genderist ideologues and using these rare incidences to further their beliefs is another example of the bad faith arguments pushed by ppl desperate to justify their delusions.

2) rubbish - refer to #1, no "blanket" statements were made, just a reference to biological fact.

3) more rubbish, XX females are very rarely born without the organs or hormones necessary to ovulate, menstruate and gestate. Even in the rare incidences that it does occur they are still biologically coded XX or XY. Ability to make a baby isn't the definition of a woman. Ppl with CAIS are still either male or female.

4) Best rubbish yet. There is no such thing as trans or cis. These were terms invented by gender ideologues to try to create a structure on which to build their cult beliefs.

5) ROFL, this demonstrates an inability to discern the difference between an ideology and the process of science. An ideology cannot be scientifically proven as it is a cultural affect. An ideology is a set of values and beliefs that is created by humans. Science is a system of testing physical phenomenon which always gets the same result.

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A couple of other things: firstly, 'gEnDeR cRiTiCaL fEmInIsM' behaves far more like a cult than trans people and their allies do. Secondly, the real gender ideologues are the fascists, religious extremists and assorted reactionary scum whom people like you have hypocritically jumped into bed with, people who really do want to reinforce traditional patriarchal gender roles, and who want the state to force pregnant people to carry their pregnancies to term against their will, with people like you acting as useful idiots, going so far as to downplay the importance of reproductive autonomy for people with uteruses, on the basis that kicking the t******s is of greater urgency, and reacting with rancour against those who have the temerity to call you out on your grotesque hypocrisy!

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thats just a silly tantee, showing just how much goes on your head that you make up.

I am a 2nd wave feminist, not one of those pick-me dills who are all for prostitution and transvestites.

Obviously I'm not working to uphold patriarchy...which trans ideology patently is a tool of, with its hideous blatant homophobia and misogyny. Frankly I burned my feminist bra by 1990 and retired...until I saw this woke BS rear its ugly head 4 years ago and had to drag my sorry ass back to the trenches. Trans ideology is the most woman hating movement I've ever seen in my life and I will keep fighting it for however long it takes.

I am a life long supporter of abortion and had one in 1986. I literally gave away my 2nd child into an illegal adoption because I was such a terrible mother I couldn't risk being a single parent to 2 children. I lived in a cult for 3 years that was manufacturing drugs and sexually abusing children from infancy. I have been involved in prostitution and the international drug trade. My only legal marriage was when I was 53, to a closeted gay man whom I have never had sexual intercourse with. We have been happily married for 13 years and love each other deeply.

I hardly think I qualify as one of your traditional living middle class hypocrites. In fact, quite possibly more queer, radical and living an unorthodox lifestyle than most people you know.

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1) A strict binary by definition admits of no exceptions. Also, it isn't just intersex people who don't completely conform to the textbook definitions of 'male' and 'female'. No one does. 'Male' and 'female' are not hard-and-fast categories but rough templates, with the vast majority of humanity approximating to one template or the other, 'approximating' being the operative word.

2) Claiming that biological sex is immutable is making a blanket statement about a complex, multi-faceted biological reality, some aspects of which can be changed.

3) What definitions of 'male' and 'female' are you using? Because earlier, you seemed to be defining femaleness in humans by possession of a pair of ovaries, Fallopian tubes, a womb and a vagina, according to which persons with CAIS would be excluded from femaleness, as they lack a pair of ovaries, Fallopian tubes, a uterus and, in some cases, a fully formed vagina, yet now you're claiming that persons with CAIS can be either male or female. What are you basing this on?

4) Yes, there is such a thing as 'cis' and 'trans'. These are scientific terms.

5) There's nothing ideological about recognising the phenomenon of gender identity.

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Its probably pointless trying to discuss as you don't seem to be aware of some principles of debate (as in, making sweeping statements doesn't make them fact based), semantic befuddlements and don't draw the line at reiterating outright lies, however, here goes...

1) Dimorphic reproducing species are divided into two types - "male" which excrete small gametes we call sperm, "female" which excrete large gametes we call call eggs. There are no exceptions, it is totally binary. Regardless of your sweeping statements there are no rough templates or approximations. If you, or the "science" you're presumably referring to have found such an individual amongst homo sapiens, who is neither categorically male or female then it would be the scientific discovery of the aeons. Take it to the Nobel committee to collect your prize...

2) refer to the above.

3) male and female - in 99% of cases we can literally see the differences in bodies because they have different biological programming. I'm not going to get caught up in stating the blindingly obvious as the TRA strategy is to immediately trot out the differences, exceptions and anomalies....thats too tiresome and not a credible argument. Some humans are born with physical or genetic malformations - missing limbs, blindness, organs deformed, endocrinal problems, a gazillion other possibilities - these are anomalies, deviations from the genetic blueprint that was intended to be. Suggesting that a person can be a gender born in a wrong sexed body is ludricrous. All humans are born m or f. Gender expression is a construct created by environment, culture and socialisation and the performance of it is indistinguishable from personality, another construct we create to simplify interacting with others.

We are our sexed bodies. After you die everybody will still know whether you were a man or a woman, and if you lived part of your life pretending to be other than the sex you were born as people will either laugh at you or pity you, but they won't feel compelled to go along with the pretense once the actor is gone. XX/female/women will be born with the physicality external and internal that that entails, and vice versa for XY. CAIS may present with ambivalent xenotypes along with non typical genitalia and reproductive organs but they are still genetically encoded either m or f.

4) No such thing as cis or trans in regard to referring to males and females. It had been a rarely used scientific term that referred to other phenomena, nothing to do with human sexes. Trans ideologues only started trying to impose it from around 2016, before that it had never been used in the context it is today. We didn't need such definitions because they are invented categories with no reality. There cannot be a subset of women who are men.

5) What is a "gender identity"? It is no more real than stating that Jesus Christ is everybodys saviour just because you believe he's yours. You have to "believe" in it, but it cannot be proven. Thus it is either ideology, religion, dogma or mental illness.

Now, I live a life doing real things with my hands, like sewing, painting and gardening. Its a bright sunny day outside and I intend to go do some pruning and pulling weeds. I enjoyed flexing my brain cells to have this chat with you but I think I'm all expended now. Reading what you've asserted here has just confirmed my commitment to being a feminist and reality grounded terf.

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