What a mess, eh?
If you’re wondering what the hell is going on in the UK right now- or if you know perfectly well and just want to express some feelings- come and join a little zoom chat I’ll be hosting in about 40 mins, at 630 PST. I’ll post the link here, just before we start.
This will be a paid subscriber thing, so just for the intimate circle and those who want to be part of it. Hope you’re all holding up alright. Get the kettle on and I’ll see some of you in a few.
Was to shy to say anything, but thank you, you have answered one of the questions that bothered me most today: How did Britain succeed in managing an empire? And as you said: expropriating wealth has always been the business model. Plus cruelty, I guess.
Sorry I missed this -- but that's the penalty of living in California and not being a "morning person" I guess :)
Ironic today, since I actually woke up really early and could not get back to sleep -- and was enjoying reading about Truss's resignation and seeing all the lettuce jokes on Twitter. But I didn't check my email until lunchtime.